Best in open landscape
It has always been windy on Midtfjellet. The open landscape means good conditions for harvesting energy from all wind directions. It was this that gave rise to the idea of a wind park on the mountain. Wind is a renewable energy resource which provides electricity to thousands of homes and businesses without harmful CO2 and NOx emissions to the local environment.
The wind park
The wind park contains a total of 55 wind turbines. These collectively produce around 433.7 GWh annually. That’s enough energy for around 25,000 households or, to put it another way, enough electricity for more than all Sunnhordland. About 80,000 inhabitants. That’s something we’re really proud of!
Ownership with strong local basis
Midtfjellet Vindkraft AS is firmly rooted in the local community. We lease land from local landowners, who are paid in proportion to the installation’s profits, and our main office is here in Fitjar. We have two full-time staff in the company. In addition, we have an agreement with Nordex, whose 11 local employees undertake annual maintenance of the wind turbines. Each and every one of these contributes tax revenues to Fitjar and the Municipality of Stord. Midtfjellet Vindkraft AS also hires two further local employees and more when necessary.
Midtfjellet Vindpark AS has strong local roots. Sunnhordland Kraftlag (SKL) owns the wind power facility together with Fitjar Kraftlag. The companies own 95 and 5 % of Midtfjellet Vindkraft, respectively.
The information above just provides a little idea of who we are and what we do. Elsewhere on this website you can find lots of other information. About wind, the environment, technology and local involvement. And about how you can make use of the wonderful area around the wind park that has been prepared for people of all ages.