A park for all
Midtfjellet Vindpark
With its 55 turbines, Midtfjellet Vindpark is the largest of its kind in Norway. It represents the very latest in wind turbine technology and, by placing the turbines closely together, we have achieved clear economies of scale benefits in the form of infrastructure, operation and maintenance. In addition, the mountain is now accessible to disabled persons and others who were previously unable to make the trip. Roads in the area have been prepared for sports and other outdoor activities in new, exciting ways. We wish a warm welcome to everyone who wants to make use of the area, all year round!
Guided tours
Technology and nature. Take a look!
Since the beginning of construction, we have held guided tours for around 17,000 people. The purpose of such tours is to show what we have managed to do. We want to tell people how the 55 wind turbines produce environmentally friendly electricity and demonstrate how the area is now far more accessible for use by the general public than ever before. Would you like to know more about our guided tours? Contact us at post@midtfjellet.no and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Quality in every respect
A modern wind park demand quality in every respect. The starting point for the best possible wind park consists of wind assessments and the correct placement of the turbines in relation to wind conditions. The right turbine must also be chosen for the various turbine placements. This includes the correct height, rotor diameter and so on. Our turbines make use of about 55% of the energy in the wind. The rotor area of the largest turbine covers 10,746 square metres (an international football pitch covers 7,140 sqm). Rotor-tip speed is about 300 km per hour. The electrical installation in the wind park is designed to keep electricity loss to a minimum.
Technical information:
- Annual production 433.7 GWh
- 34 wind turbines of type N90, 2,500kW
- 10 wind turbines of type N100, 2,500kW
- 11 wind turbines of type N117, 3,600kW
- 150 km of high-voltage cables
- 34 kV switchgear installation
- Main transformer (Phases I and II) 300/34kV, 130 MW
- Main transformer (Phase III) 300/66/34kV, 100 MW
- 300 kV switchgear installation
- 10 km 300kV high voltage transmission line to Børtveit, 800 MVA
- Ca. 30 km roads
- Foundation mounted in rock
There is no doubt that this is a wind park that gets noticed and which delivers quality in all respects!
Read more about wind turbines at www.vindinfo.no under Teknologi.
A safe workplace
It is Midtfjellet Vindkraft policy that operations shall never be at the expense of health, safety and the environment. A zero vision for accidents and incidents will always lie behind our daily operations and our aim is for Midtfjellet Vindkraft to be a safe, satisfactory workplace at all times.
Health, safety and the environment always come first.
- Midtfjellet Vindkraft receives many positive suggestions for the use of Midtfjellet but not all can be approved
- A 300-metre safety zone must be maintained against ice throw in the event of precipitation and temperatures around 0 degrees
- Motorised traffic awareness – speed limit 40 km per hour